Thursday, April 19, 2012

Boys' Lunch-Blind Wine Tasting at Misfit in Santa Monica!

As usual, about a dozen of us got together to have a great lunch and blind-taste an assortment of wines. Coincidentally, 7 of the 12 wines brought ended up being Italian! And there was no theme set, nor was the restaurant an Italian one, so go figure! We had a fantastic time, and I encourage you, too to put together a blind-tasting party with your friends. It's the best way to truly experience wine in an unbiased way. Let me know what

YOU discover!

My appearance on LIP TV's "Wine Down" Show

I had the great pleasure of joining hosts Sonya Magdevski and Brandon Bartlett of The Lip TV's "Wine Down" yesterday on, to discuss blind wine tasting. It was a great time, and I will be back to do more shows with them for sure! Watch and learn some tips on how to throw a wine tasting party!